Parishes within the Launde Deanery Worship Together Online 11 am

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
Service is held on Zoom. The link will generally open 10 minutes before the service begins.
Service is held on Zoom. The link will generally open 10 minutes before the service begins.

A simple worship service on Zoom, with prayers, music, Bible reading and reflection.
Please email Linda Jones, for the link E. [email protected]
Please put ZOOM CHURCH in the subject

Zoom Lent Course - every Thursday through Lent 2025

Every Thursday at for 1 hour

During Lent we will be holding a Lent Course on Zoom, every Thursday between 6 and 7pm. There will be 6 sessions each week on Thursday, starting on 6th March. Do come and join us online!
The subject of the Zoom Lent Course is Bishop Guli’s book: ‘Cries for a Lost Homeland, Reflections on Jesus’ Sayings From The Cross’. We will discuss a chapter each week. We can provide the chapters for you so you do not have to buy the book unless you want to. For more info please see the attachment.

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Sunday 30th March 11am Launde Deanery Minster Community Service

for 1 hour
St Peter's Church, Church Langton
Stonton Road Church Langton Leicester, LE16 7TA

Come and join us for an all-together service at St Peter's Church, Church Langton. This will include a special celebration for Mothering Sunday. All welcome!