Twyning 300

for 2 hours
St Mary Magdalene
Twyning Gloucester, GL20 6DA, United Kingdom

This year is the 300th anniversary of the casting of the Twyning Church Bells. It will be good to celebrate this longevity and we are setting aside the afternoon of Saturday 23 September from 2 till 4pm to mark this important occasion.
You are invited to come along to Twyning Church (downstairs) to listen to the ring of six Bells, see the bell-related Flower Displays, hear about the history of Twyning Bells & Bell Ringing, explore our bell-ringing Relics and enjoy Refreshments with cake and bell-shaped biscuits. There will be ‘bell’ Crafts and Treasure Trail for youngsters too.
Of course, those who have ever learnt to ring the bells will be most welcome to come upstairs into the Tower and catch hold of the tail end of a rope - never mind how many years ago - you will still be kept safe! Non-ringing Visitors will be greeted and guided up the stone steps to the ringing room too, if they wish - and we hope they will!
We extend our sincere thanks to all who have helped to keep the Twyning Bells ringing in the past so that we can make a start on our 4th century.

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St Mary Magdalene

Get in touch

Rev'd Canon Nick Davies

Priest for Tewkesbury Abbey with Twyning
(01684) 850959
What's on

Twyning 300

for 2 hours
St Mary Magdalene
Twyning Gloucester, GL20 6DA, United Kingdom

This year is the 300th anniversary of the casting of the Twyning Church Bells. It will be good to celebrate this longevity and we are setting aside the afternoon of Saturday 23 September from 2 till 4pm to mark this important occasion.
You are invited to come along to Twyning Church (downstairs) to listen to the ring of six Bells, see the bell-related Flower Displays, hear about the history of Twyning Bells & Bell Ringing, explore our bell-ringing Relics and enjoy Refreshments with cake and bell-shaped biscuits. There will be ‘bell’ Crafts and Treasure Trail for youngsters too.
Of course, those who have ever learnt to ring the bells will be most welcome to come upstairs into the Tower and catch hold of the tail end of a rope - never mind how many years ago - you will still be kept safe! Non-ringing Visitors will be greeted and guided up the stone steps to the ringing room too, if they wish - and we hope they will!
We extend our sincere thanks to all who have helped to keep the Twyning Bells ringing in the past so that we can make a start on our 4th century.

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