St Nicholas News - issue 26

Count down towards our Priest-in-charge

After the excitement before Christmas of knowing that Revd Chris Gaynor will be our new priest, we’re now in a quieter period getting ourselves ready. Chris’s licensing service will be on April 27, at St Nicholas’s Ashchurch at 3 pm, and it will be led by Bishop Robert Springett. Do come to this if you can, and give him a joyous welcome.

His first service will be on Sunday 4 May. We’re still working on the format for that, with a possibility of it being a benefice Holy Communion to give him a chance to introduce himself to us all.

Chris is still busy running his current parish for the busy church period up to Easter Sunday. We’ve been in touch with him about events and services from May onwards, and he has been prompt and helpful in his replies despite us giving him extra work.

January’s services

Following our normal service patterns, we have had two services in January (far quieter than December). Both came within Epiphany – the historical birth of Christ, and the spiritual birth of a new kind of hope, based on Christ’s life and teachings, and new kind of responsibility for his followers to live out Christ’s promises in their lives.

As always, we are deeply grateful for the commitment and care given to us by our visiting priests, in both Kemerton and Ashchurch, our musicians, and our own church members who join in developing and running our services, all helping to maintain us as a vigorous worshipping community.