Vacancy news - issue 23

In the previous newsletter, we had to announce the very sad and unexpected death of Diana Wolfe Murray. Her funeral followed a few weeks ago, attended by an extremely full church, and was a warm and touching occasion led with calm authority by Revd Bill Blakey.

The recruitment process for our new priest is underway, with advertising in the Church Times between 2nd September and 28th October. Apparently there have already been some expressions of interest, but caution is advisable! Interviews are planned for 21 November. If we are then able to appoint someone, we could then hope to have them leading us sometime around May next year.

Despite our long vacancy, we are continuing to run strong services, with good attendance. We are as always grateful for the commitment and care given to us by our visiting priests, in both Kemerton and Ashchurch, to our musicians, and for our own members who join in the running of our services, all helping to maintain us as a vigorous worshipping community.

If you would like to know more about any of these stories, please do contact us on [email protected].