Count down towards the arrival of our new Priest-in-charge
We are increasingly focussing on the details of Revd Chris Gaynor’s arrival here. His licensing service will be on April 27, at St Nicholas’s Ashchurch at 3 pm, and it will be led by Bishop Robert Springett. We are now into the details of planning both the service and refreshments afterwards - do come to this event if you can, and give Chris a fulsome welcome.
His first service for us will be on Sunday 4 May. It will be a benefice Holy Communion at Kemerton, to give him a chance to introduce himself and his faith to us all. Again, you are all very welcome – this will be the first time when we will know him as our priest, and it will begin to establish the tone and direction of his leadership.
February’s services
Following our normal service patterns, we had four services in February. The first, on 2 February, recalled the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, memorably witnessed by Simeon and Anna. It is also known as Candlemas, and it ended very movingly with lit candles around the font, marking the end of our celebrating Jesus’s birth, and our refocussing on his coming crucifixion.
At the end of the month, we welcomed Revd Kay Mundy to lead our benefice Morning Praise service – about thirty worshippers thanks to support from the Ashchurch congregation. The service included the story of the storm on the Sea of Galilee, when the new disciples (experienced fishermen, too) feared they would be drowned until Jesus woke up and stilled the waves – a lesson of hope and trust that seems increasingly relevant in our troubling times.
Our benefice has maintained its vigour and enthusiasm throughout our vacancy. As always, we are deeply grateful for the commitment and care given to us by our visiting priests, in both Kemerton and Ashchurch, our musicians, and the many church members who join in developing and running our services.
If you would like to know more about any of these stories, please do contact us on [email protected].