The recruitment process for our new priest is now well underway, with advertising for the post now closed. We are pleased to report that there have been applications for the post, and interviews are planned for 21 November. All information about the candidates needs to be kept fully confidential until the process is complete – which includes not just the interviewing process but also the due diligence required once someone is selected. We will provide more information as soon as the process permits: meanwhile we pray most earnestly for a good result.Despite our continuing vacancy (two years, this month) we are continuing to run strong services, with good attendance. The last service of the month was Bible Sunday, and focussed on the people who distribute copies overseas, especially in rarer languages. Our collection raised £133 for their work.We are as always grateful for the commitment and care given to us by our visiting priests, in both Kemerton and Ashchurch, to our musicians, and for our own members who join in the running of our services, all helping to maintain us as a vigorous worshipping community. If you would like to know more about any of these stories, please do contact us on