Facilities and features
Our toilets are not disabled-friendly at the moment, however the PCC is looking at what we can do to modernise our restroom area to make it accessible to all
Car parking is available. You are also welcome to park on the grassy areas.
Ramp is available
Our Building
Generally open between 10am - 4pm, unless a service is taking place
We have achieved our Bronze award, working towards Silver
Music and Worship
1st and 3rd Sundays at 8am
We are a small but active choir, available to sing at weddings and funerals, in addition to singing at all of our services
Groups, Courses and Activities
We have a child-friendly room in church for younger children.
Little Fishes play group see on alternate Fridays 9.30am - 11.00am Term time only. 6th October, 20 October, refreshments, no charge
Help for Visitors
Generally between 10am - 4pm unless a service is taking place