Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary, Temple Guiting
Temple Guiting Cheltenham, GL54 5RW, United Kingdom

Holy Communion with hymns

St Mary, Temple Guiting

Friendly, open-minded church. We have close links with the local Primary School & run a Friday coffee morning twice a month. You can find us on Facebook. 

Get in touch

Revd Katrina Scott
01451 821777
Ruth Waller
01451 850611
What's on

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary, Temple Guiting
Temple Guiting Cheltenham, GL54 5RW, United Kingdom

Holy Communion with hymns


Safeguarding within the Parish of Temple Guiting with Cutsdean.

We are committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

Contact our local nominated safeguarding person (Peter Forshaw - [email protected]) for advice or to see our safeguarding policy. Policies may also be viewed in church on our noticeboards.

For information and Diocesan contacts, please also visit: www.gloucester.anglican.org/about-us/safeguarding