Temple Guiting Quiz

for 4 hours
St Mary, Temple Guiting
Temple Guiting Cheltenham, GL54 5RW, United Kingdom

Village Quiz with Quizmaster Robert Llewellyn. Supporting St Mary's.
Tickets £15 (under 16s £8) to include Light Supper
from Kate Mather [email protected]/07776 180121

St Mary, Temple Guiting

Friendly, open-minded church. We have close links with the local Primary School & run a Friday coffee morning twice a month. You can find us on Facebook. 

Get in touch

Revd Katrina Scott
01451 821777
Ruth Waller
01451 850611
What's on

Temple Guiting Quiz

for 4 hours
St Mary, Temple Guiting
Temple Guiting Cheltenham, GL54 5RW, United Kingdom

Village Quiz with Quizmaster Robert Llewellyn. Supporting St Mary's.
Tickets £15 (under 16s £8) to include Light Supper
from Kate Mather [email protected]/07776 180121


Safeguarding within the Parish of Temple Guiting with Cutsdean.

We are committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

Contact our local nominated safeguarding person (Peter Forshaw - [email protected]) for advice or to see our safeguarding policy. Policies may also be viewed in church on our noticeboards.

For information and Diocesan contacts, please also visit: www.gloucester.anglican.org/about-us/safeguarding