Facilities and features


We have 2 toilets in the church building. One is accessible.

We have changing facilities in the church in one of our toilets.

Free car parking is available for all church services, including wedding and funerals. The parking is in the Rectory Field which can be accessed via School Hill. Drive past the school and it is the next field gate on the left. The car park is located about 50m along a footpath from the front of the church.
Please note, however, that the gate is locked at all other times and during very wet weather!

We have an accessible toilet in the church building

Cars are able to drive to the front door of the church to drop off those who require easy access to the church. We also have provision for on or two cars to park by the front of the church if required, but we ask you to email us in advance should you require the use of this facility.

Our building is wheelchair accessible.

Hearing (induction) Loop
Assistance Dogs
Wheelchair access

Our Building

Open for individual prayer

We have started the journey to becoming an eco-church.

There is a warm welcome space for all primary aged children and their carers on a Tuesday after school: 3.15pm-4.15pm

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing
Concerts / Live Music

We have BCP services twice a month at 8am.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group
Nurture Courses
Bible study

Breakfast Church, which meets on the 2nd Saturday morning, is a time of food, craft, fun & informal worship for families.

Bumblebeez meets on Thursdays from 9am-11am

Pilgrim course

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes
Church Open
Dog friendly

Other Features


We collect food for our local foodbank - please put donations into the basket at the back of church and we will take it to the Foodbank for you.

We use a data projector for our worship liturgy, however we also have printed service sheets for those who find this easier.

Conservation Area
Hall for Hire