All Saints, Turkdean

All Saints, Turkdean is open daily between 9am and 5pm (or dusk if earlier in Winter) for everyone to enjoy this beautiful and peaceful 12th Century Norman church which serves our small rural Parish of just some 60 souls in the heart of the rolling Cotswold countryside.

A traditional BCP service of Matins with Holy Communion is held at 10:30am on the second Sunday every month with the invaluable support of the Turkdean Choir.

More ambitious occasional choral services including Monteverdi's Messa a quattro voci (SV190), Palestrina's Missa æterna Christi munera have filled the church, while Byrd's Short Service and Mass for Four Voices (1592) were celebrated during the composer's 400th anniversary year.

A new and highly efficient infra-red heating system was successfully installed in the Nave and welcomed with a glorious Choral Evensong in November 2024, led by the ever-ebullient Revd Nick Scott and with the Turkdean Choir under the direction of Dominic Hamilton and with the assistance of Steve Winwood and Theo Mountford on the organ. The new heating system allows us to heat our congregation without having to heat the significant surrounding volume, producing both warmer congregants while making a significant contribution to the Church's NetZero energy targets.

The church bells were dismounted for restoration in March 2023 and, following their repair, they were successfully rehung on a strengthened bell-frame in August 2023 and now ring out in full voice once again for the first time for 70 years.

We offer refreshments in the Nave after our services and all are most welcome.

Get in touch

Church Warden: Vivien Burford


GL54 3NT
Church Warden
+44 (0)1451 860222

Our website

What's on

Matins & Holy Communion (BCP)

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Turkdean
All Saints, Turkdean, Turkdean CHELTENHAM, GL54 3NT, United Kingdom

All Saints Turkdean celebrates a traditional BCP Matins service with Holy Communion at 10:30am on the SECOND Sunday every month (except August) featuring The Turkdean Choir.

Coffee and refreshments are served in the Nave following the service.

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We do not celebrate our regular monthly Matins service in August (everyone is or should be on holiday!)

All Saints Church, Turkdean launched an appeal to fund the installation of new infra-red heating chandeliers in the Nave to help warm the congregation while reducing energy use in support of NetZero objectives.



All Saints, Turkdean is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer is available to discuss any and all safeguarding issues at any time and the Diocese of Gloucester’s website safeguarding pages also contain information and contacts for the Safeguarding team. Further details about these services and their respective contact details are displayed in a permanent notice in the church.