From Your Vicar

From Caroline - [email protected], 01285 712467

Readings for Sunday: Jeremiah 23.1-6; Ephesians 2.11-22; Mark 6.30-34, 53-56

As anyone living in the Fairford area (and I know some of our readers are from more far-flung locales, so I don’t assume!) can hardly have missed, it’s RIAT weekend. Planes have been arriving since Wednesday, and we know that over the next four days we will be treated to amazing displays in our skies, at the cost of a little noise and disruption. Not a bad trade off, in my book!

Seeing so many military folk in our town though, even more than we normally have by way of the USAF presence at RAF Fairford, gives an interesting focus for our readings this Sunday. Our Word from the Lord this weekend is an insight into leadership, both in the past when that leadership has been lacking, and the new kind of leadership that is demonstrated in Jesus.

In the military, even more so than in other walks of life, both leadership and discipline are vital. Leadership is encouraged at all levels of service, and there is a clear understanding of the need to have a shared goal, which everyone pushes to achieve. That requires both clear-headed decision-making, but also a knowledge of, and concern for, those whom you are leading.

Jesus’ demonstration of leadership is likened to that of a shepherd. Someone who has ‘compassion for the flock’, who both knows and understands them, and loves them fully. A shepherd has no illusions about both the strengths and weakness of their flock, and Jesus is able to reach out to support those who follow him when their own knowledge, energy or strength fail them.

As we strive to follow the Good Shepherd, these are words to us both of encouragement and of challenge. First, that we are loved not ‘in spite of’ our flaws and faults, but in the fullness of them. Jesus knows us. And Jesus loves us with a love that eclipses the sun. We the flock know we can trust our Good Shepherd to gives us what we need, and not push us beyond our limits.

And second, that even as we follow our Shepherd, so we too are called to lead in our turn. That drive towards a goal – the Kingdom of God, of justice and joy and peace – is something that everyone must embrace and push for. We are led, and we lead, encourage and lift up in our turn.

May the leadership of Christ inspire and build leadership in each of us as we walk the path he has set before us.

Rev’d Caroline

Zoom Morning Prayer – Tues - Thurs, Sat every week

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