Weekly Newsletter

Newsletter for Sunday 30th March (FINAL).pdf Download
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From Heather Gorton

Email address: [email protected] or [email protected]. Telephone: Office: 01285 712611 or home 01285 712428

My office hours are 10.00 to 1.00 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I am also continuing to work from home so you can contact me at either the office (712611) or home (712428). The office is closed on Mondays and Michelle will be in on Fridays from 10.00 to 12.00.

If you are sending in your articles, photos etc. for the bumper copy at the end of the month I will need them by 12 noon on the last Wednesday of the month. For the weekly newsletter I would still like articles in by Wednesday midday

The Parish Office will close on Friday 20thDecember at 12 noon and re-open on Thursday 2nd January. Anything urgent you can contact me on 07817480578. The next Newsletter will be on Sunday 5th January

Thank you to all who have contributed to the Newsletter over the past year. I rely on articles for the bumper issue so do please keep sending them in. My special thanks to Alison Hobson who keeps us up to date with past articles on the History Society which are always so interesting to Ann Nicholls for her weekly prayers and to Ingrid Morris who sends in her photos of the church and the area.