to St Lawrence, Bourton-on-the-Hill. We are a small, friendly congregation who worship in a historic church overlooking the
Evenlode Valley in the North Cotswolds. We have a service at 11:15 every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month when we have a service of evening prayer with hymns at 6pm. When there is a fifth Sunday in a month we join with other congregations in our benefice for a 9:30 communion service (See "What's on" to find out which church is hosting).
Our church is Norman with later changes. It is open during daylight hours and visitors are most welcome. It's a peaceful place. We are part of the Quiet Garden Network and we have been given a silver EcoChurch award by A Rocha for our approach to caring for all God's creation.
There is parking in the back lane off the A44 behind the church or in the old school carpark when that building is not being used for community functions. A notice on the wall in the car park lists when these are taking place. The car park is available for church use on Sundays. We look forward to welcoming you!