Morning Gathering

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St. Paul's
St Pauls Road Cheltenham, GL50 4EZ, United Kingdom

We are delighted to be back in church for our morning gathering, which includes sung worship, community time and teaching in adult, children's and youth groups. Come along to see what we are about, and stay for a coffee afterwards to get to know others. We are also live-streaming the gathering on Youtube if you'd prefer to stay at home.

St. Paul's

Get in touch

Rev. Roger Widdecombe

Church Office
01242 300110

Our website

What's on

Morning Gathering

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St. Paul's
St Pauls Road Cheltenham, GL50 4EZ, United Kingdom

We are delighted to be back in church for our morning gathering, which includes sung worship, community time and teaching in adult, children's and youth groups. Come along to see what we are about, and stay for a coffee afterwards to get to know others. We are also live-streaming the gathering on Youtube if you'd prefer to stay at home.