Woodchester Village Carols

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary Woodchester
Church Road North Woodchester Stroud, GL5 5PF, United Kingdom

Carol singing around the village (6.30pm at Frogmarsh, 6.50pm at Tower House), joining the Nailsworth Silver Band at 7.00pm at the Village Hall, and finishing at St Mary's Church at 7.15pm for mulled wine and mince pies. Join when you can!

St Mary Woodchester

Get in touch


Church Administrator
07907 864919

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What's on

Woodchester Village Carols

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary Woodchester
Church Road North Woodchester Stroud, GL5 5PF, United Kingdom

Carol singing around the village (6.30pm at Frogmarsh, 6.50pm at Tower House), joining the Nailsworth Silver Band at 7.00pm at the Village Hall, and finishing at St Mary's Church at 7.15pm for mulled wine and mince pies. Join when you can!