Related Churches
St Oswald
St. Andrew's Church
A peaceful, country church set in a quiet lane in the village of Cromhall in South Gloucestershire. We are a small, but welcoming congregation, always pleased to see new faces whether occasional visitors or regular worshippers.
Our church is open in daylight hours 365 days a year, and is a beautiful place to sit in quiet reflection or prayer, or maybe light a candle in recognition of someone you love.
Our church is grade 1 listed, and there is a brief history guide to read or purchase as a souvenir.
We also have a modern toilet inside the tower, accessed through the church, which is open whenever the church is.
St George
St George is the parish church of Falfield. Part of CRoFTT benefice, Wotton Deanery, Diocese of Gloucester, Church of England.
We are mostly lay-led.
All are welcome.
The church is open daily for prayer and reflection. Sunday services three out of four Sundays (we join with our friends at Rockhampton on the fourth Sunday).
St James
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