Related Churches
St John's, Charfield
Welcome to St John's. Our Sunday services are usually at 9:30am, but check our Facebook page: (1) Facebook or the rota attached on these pages as this may change on special Sundays or fifth Sundays of the month. We are part of the "Wickwar Benefice" along with churches in Wickwar, Kingswood, Hillesley and Rangeworthy, so sometimes share services with them.
Holy Trinity Rangeworthy
Welcome to Holy Trinity, an attractive church dating back to Norman times but with a lively congregation seeking to make our faith alive to today through creative worship. We enjoy strong links to our local school and community and the wider benefice.
Holy Trinity Church, Wickwar
Welcome to Holy Trinity, Wickwar our beautiful parish church on the hill. We would love to see you on a Sunday, or join us for one of our activities during the year. Or just pop in for some quiet time... the church is usually open during the daytime. Our porch also contains a small food bank which is kept stocked... if you are struggling to make ends meet, you might find this helps.
St Mary's Kingswood
Welcome to the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin in Kingswood, Gloucestershire. For our full website please see
The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. — Psalm 19:1
All are welcome to our regular in-person and online services.
St Mary’s is open every day from 10am to 4pm. Donations to the Food Bank and Keepers in Kingswood can be left in the porch.
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Most churches are “Excepted Charities” and are therefore not registered with the Charity Commission. You can download a PDF that includes your church name, address and church code. This PDF, which is an extract from the Church of England’s database of churches, can serve as a certificate for churches requiring proof of their charity status when registering for online and card-based giving. Click on the download button below and log into your account. Once logged in, click on the download button and the certificate will be downloaded straight to your device. If you do not have an account, you can register here.