Roof and Spire Restoration Appeal 2025

Serious and specialised repairs are needed to the gable and bell tower of our wonderful Grade II Listed early Arts & Crafts church. We also have a serious leak, which is probably causing even more damage beneath the tiles.We will need expensive scaffolding even to establish what is going on, and the work on our unique gable end requires specialised oak and mortar.The work is likely to cost in the region of £30.000 - £40,000If you would like to help by organising a fundraising event, please contact:Ruth Buchanan on 07515 423465If you would like to donate by BACS, the account details are: Charfield Parochial Council, 55-61-38 79487440. If you are able to gift-aid this (ie, if you are tax-payer), please also email David McEwan ([email protected]) to let him know so that he can contact you with the relevant paperwork… it will considerably increase the value of your gift at no extra cost to yourself.For other information, or to make a donation in other ways, please contact Simon Farmer (1 Little Bristol Lane, Charfield, GL12 8LN or 01454 261814)