Facilities and features


Toilets in the Church Hall are accessible during Sunday Morning Eucharist and other services e.g Baptism) as well as when groups are using the Hall
There is one toilet in Church near to the choir and clergy vestries at the East end of the building.

Toilet/space for baby changing off the porch in the Church Hall. Facilities within the accessible toilet.

There is parking at both end of the Church. Disabled space is marked.

Accessible toilet is sited in the entrance of Church Hall.

Disabled spaces are marked in both car parks

There is a ramp at Church entrance.

A Loop hearing system is available in the Church

Service booklets in large print are available

Assistance Dogs

Our Building

The Church is open from approximately 10.00-16.00 throughout the week.

The Church building has Grade 2 listing because of its architecture

Music and Worship

Occasional concerts are held. These are by local music/choir groups.

A pipe organ is in use at most services and for weddings/funerals

Usually used at the 6.30 Sunday Evensong service

Small choir sings for Sunday morning Eucharist and some occasional services as rquested.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group

Meet in Church Hall

As for Beavers

Monthly event on 2nd Saturday of the month. Free entrance. Various stalls and refreshments. Profits to Church funds.

Tea and Chat for older residents held in Church Hall each Thursday from 14.00-16.00.


Held in Church Hall

Help for Visitors

Available near to entrance

Church is open from approximately 10.00-16.00 each weekday

Other Features

Fairtrade products are used at Church events and a stall open at Coffee Mornings and on 3rd Sunday each month.

Regular foodbank collections are made.

Screen used during main service for hymn words. Sunday services are streamed and available on facebook.

Please contact via Office email address.