Who's who

Priest in Charge: Revd Joe Mottram

Revd Duncan Hutchison: Associate Priest

Duncan has been a member of St Philip and St James since 2001, following a move from South Africa. He became our Associate Priest in 2023 after serving his curacy here. Prior to training for the ministry with CGH Gloucester, Duncan was a primary school teacher teaching in a variety of schools within Gloucestershire. He works outside of the church as an Education Advisor supporting Church Schools. He is married with two daughters and enjoys all things South African, especially when the Springboks are playing.

Revd Miriam Davis: Assistant Curate

Miriam retired to Hucclecote in December 2017 after 42 years in Japan where she worked first as a teacher of English, then in Christian mission and outreach with the Japanese church and OMF International. She is passionate about encouraging Christians to be involved in cross-cultural mission ‘from everywhere to everywhere.’ She is never happier than with her nose in a book and loves classical music, singing and walking.

Revd Jane Twitty: Retired Minister with PTO (Permission to officiate)

Jane retired to Hucclecote to be nearer family and joined St Philip and St James. Prior to training at Trinity College, Bristol, she taught chemistry to A level for 10 years. Jane has joined the ministry team here and is involved in Open the Book and Sunday services. Jane enjoys sewing, paper crafts, swimming and exploring the area.

Kevin Hobbs: Church Warden

Kevin has been a member of St Phillips and St James Church for 24 years, after coming to faith around that time. He enjoys the prayer and worship side of Church and going away on silent retreats. He began serving as churchwarden in June 2023. He travels long distances in the driving seat of his van in his day job as a Heating and Air Conditioning Engineer.

Chris Brookes: Church Warden

Chris spent his career working in IT, most recently working for Oxfam in their international logistics team supporting Oxfam’s humanitarian programmes in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. He is now enjoying retirement. Chris loves being part of the Open the Book and Messy Church teams.

Louisa Scrivener: Office Administrator

Louisa has been a member of the Hucclecote community since moving to the area in 2013. She became the administrator for the church in April 2023. She lives with her husband, 3 daughters, 2 dogs and 2 guinea pigs!