Mission partnerships

We have five active mission partnerships both local and global and have a quick update on each one twice a year in our 8:30 and 10:30am services.

The Diocese of Western Tanganyika

We sponsor four students at the Lake Tanganyika Theological College in Kasulu, the centre of the diocese as well as giving support to our link parish of Mwilanvya. Four Hucclecote church members had a wonderful visit to Kasulu in 2019 along with others from the diocese. Following that the church was able to finance new toilets for a local primary school of a thousand pupils.


The Pawson Family with OMF International in Japan

David and Manuela Pawson with their three young children are engaged in church planting in rural Japan. Currently they are on Home Assignment following their first four-year term, connecting with family, friends and supporting churches in UK and Germany.

Click on the links below for more information about OMF Japan and OMF International





Scripture Union UK


Scripture Union is a Christian charity, inviting children and young people to explore the difference Jesus can make to the challenges and adventures of life. Along with them we believe every child should have the chance to discover Jesus. And, with an estimated 95% of children in England and Wales not part of a church, we value the hard work Scripture Union is doing to share the good news of Jesus beyond the church in exciting and culturally relevant ways.

Gloucester City Mission

Gloucester City Mission (GCM) is a registered charity (1115780) sharing Jesus' love by supporting the homeless, those living in temporary accommodation, sofa surfers and those in need of support with clothing, toiletries, food or advice.


One of our church members is a Trustee and in addition to the regular financial support from the church tithe, an occasional sponsored event such as A Sleep-Out in church or a jazz concert raises extra funds for GCM.

Gloucester Food Bank


· We host a Foodbank Hub for collection of food parcels on a Wednesday morning in our church centre in collaboration with Hillview Evangelical Church and Hucclecote Methodist.

· A number of church members are involved as volunteers either here or at the main foodbank site in Gloucester city centre.

DWT Newsletter Winter 2024, PDF


Gloucester City Mission Newsletter_October 2024, PDF


Foodbank Christmas Newsletter 2024, PDF
