Facilities and features


When church is open these are available in the church hall.

Baby changing facilities are within an accessible toilet.

Very limited on site parking. On street parking around the church is often crowded.

We have an accessible toilet with baby changing facilities.

Autism or Asperger Aware / Accessible
Accessible car parking
Ramped entrance

Usually available.

Large print service sheets are available for 9.30 Sunday service, also service sheets in Farsi and Chinese.


Usually available when refreshments served.

This isavailable for some services. Email [email protected] fmi

Our Building

We have an Eco Church bronze award

Available Wednesdays 10-12

Over 100 years old

Music and Worship


An outstanding instrument, with occasional concerts by outstanding musicians.

Various groupings play for the Sunday service.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Young children go out of Sunday 10.30 service.
CCYG for 11+ runs on Sunday evening

Alpha course runs each autumn

Each Wednesday from 10-12. Advertised on outside noticeboard and on the website and Facebook page.

A monthly meeting and a dedicated Thursday 10.00am Eucharist, followed by coffee.

St Catharine's Under 5's operate from our hall

We have several of our congregation involved in this mission.

Help for Visitors

Self guide tour round the church and a short history sheet available

Administrator at work each Mon & Tues 9-3.30,
Wed 9-4. Wednesday Church 10-12

Other Features

We are a Fairtrade church , we try to use as many Fairly traded products as possible

We have a superb tech team who run av and zoom on Sundays. Also available for special events. We have several tv screens available plus large drop down screen at the front.

Contact church administrator Su