About Us
Christ Church is part of the parish of St James and All Saints and Christ Church Gloucester. Christ Church was built as the 'Spa Church' in the 19th Century and became Christ Church in the Diocese of Gloucester when it could no longer be sustained by voluntary contributions.
Today we are a church with two gatherings for worship each Sunday. Our morning congregation is mainly elderly but has a long relationship with the Brownies and Guides and so enjoys All Age celebrations for special occasions. Our evening service is a fresh expression of church for young adults and students. This is an informal gathering with worship and learning together with plenty of discussion, cake and coffee.
We enjoy working with our neighbours Ecclesiastical Insurance and hold a Tuesday lunchtime gathering for local workers.
We are seeking what it is that God is calling us to as church in Gloucester at this time
We are taking little steps of faith together
Following God's call on our lives
To become more like Jesus
You are welcome
Wherever you are on your faith journey