We are the United Parish of Parkend and Viney Hill, consisting of two churches - St Paul's, Parkend and All Saints, Viney Hill. The Vision for our Parish is that we share in God’s work of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ and His love in our communities, spiritually, practically and sensitively.
Sunday morning service at 10 a.m. at St Pauls, Parkend.
Sunday evening service at 5 p.m. at All Saints, Viney Hill
Wednesday morning CW Morning Prayer at St Paul's at 10 a.m.
We move into Vacancy (i.e. be without a vicar) from 10th February. A revised list of services for March - July is in News and Notices
We are continuing to share an on-line liturgy on Sundays. Details in 'More about this Event' in each service below, or follow here.
All Saints church is known as 'The Lantern' because from the outside its distinctive round sanctuary is shaped like an old lantern and was the inspiration for F W Harvey's poem 'The Lantern on the Hill'. He regularly worshipped at this church.
Please note: There is currently no churchwarden for All Saints, Viney Hill church. This closed churchyard is maintained by West Dean District Council, to whom all enquiries regarding this churchyard should be made. Any other enquiries regarding All Saints should be addressed to [email protected].