Marriage, Baptism and Funerals
Marriages: The ancient Parish Church of St. Mary’s provides a fitting setting for a memorable occasion for any young couple starting their united life together. The more modern accommodation at Holy Trinity will also give the happy couple a bright send-off into their married life. Enquiries about marriages at St. Mary’s Church or Holy Trinity Primrose Hill should be made to the David Gardiner
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This is a very meaningful service for those who may, for example, be celebrating a particular anniversary.
Baptism: Baptism can be arranged for Children and Young People and is also available for adults. Arrangements can be made through the Revd David Gardiner.
Funerals: To arrange a funeral, cremation, interment of ashes or the design and erection of a memorial: contact one of our local experienced Funeral Directors:
Philip Blatchly & Son Limited Tel: 01594 529345/842877
Gordon Blake Tel: 01594 844116/ 823484
Information can also be obtained through any of the parish clergy.
To make an enquiry or booking for any of these special services, please contact the Revd David Gardiner.