Friday, 7th February, 7pm for 7.30 start. Bingo Cards £2 each. A prize for the winning card.Raffle, free nibbles on the table.Tea, coffee and cake to buy (or bring your own drink).Please call Jo on 07946664514 to reserve a place.In aid of the Westbury Church New Electrical Wiring Appeal.
Volunteers from Westbury Church have, as usual, been working away over hot stoves to bring you delicious home-made cakes every Sunday afternoon - it's all worthwhile if you come and join us! After your visit to the historic Gardens, take the short walk through our beautiful churchyard and then enjoy the cool of the church while you sip freshly brewed beverages and choose from a range of individually made cakes (always with a gluten free option).
We are delighted to be able to announce that our long-running project to re-shingle our 160 feet spire is at last finished. Our church tower and spire are separate from the church, although a similar date. The oak shingles need replacing about every eighty years and this time, when the old ones were removed, extensive problems were uncovered in the timber work of the fourteenth century structure. The local community watched the scaffolding go up, but when it came down the first time, the spire was clad not in oak, but in black plastic as we ran out of money to finish the work. Eventually the scaffolding went up again and, this time, the job was finished and it now stands weathertight and replete with a new weathervane. It was hard to raise the money needed and we are very relieved that the historic building is now safe again.We were fortunate to obtain grants from the HLF, the National Churches Trust, the Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust, the Headley Trust, the Allchurches Trust and the Garfield Weston Foundation. We are extremely grateful for their support.