About Us

Holy Trinity is situated in the centre of Barnoldswick, easily accessible from all the town's car parks and bus terminus and close to the Tourist Information Office.  It is the Parish church of Barnoldswick.  All are welcome here.

We are friendly, relaxed community with strong links to local schools and community events.

There are services every Sunday and Thursday at Holy Trinity, plus other regular activities such as a weekly pop-up cafe on Wednesdays, a Bible Discussion group on Fridays, and a Music Appreciation Group that meets on the second Tuesday of the month, as well as occasional concerts, Messy Church sessions and other activities.  For more details visit our website at To find out more about events and activities at Holy Trinity, Barnoldswick, visit our website at https://barlickbracewellparishes.org.uk/ or follow us on Facebook @BarlickBracewellParishes.