More about the church

 We have just moved to a new pattern of Sunday worship across the Benefice, and in Sheepscombe we are meeting on the 3rd and 4th Sundays (and 5th) at 11 am for about an hour followed by refreshments; the 4th Sunday we are including Holy Communion. 

On the 1st Sunday there is an all Benefice service at one of the 6 Benefice churches and on the 2nd and 5th Sundays there will be services in the Benefice at 9.30 am and 11am one with and one without communion at both these times in the Benefice. Generally there will be a service on the 5th Sunday at Sheepscombe which will be 11am Morning Worship without Holy Communion . The 2nd Sunday 11 am service at Painswick is now especially designed especially for all ages. 

We are mostly village residents and meet principally to worship God, our maker, pray, learn from the bible and encourage each other as Christians. On some Sundays we receive Holy Communion.We are very friendly and welcoming so do come and try us out, Visitors are extremely welcome and do also come if you do not consider yourself a signed up Christian and want to just explore the Christian faith further. 

During the week, some us meet to pray on Wednesday at 9 am for 30 minutes by Zoom and on Thursdays 9.30 am for about 1 hour by Zoom for morning prayer and reflection on the lectionary scripture readings

The church is a lovely venue for weddings and we have had some recent joyous occasions. For all wedding, baptism and funeral enquiries please contact the Benefice office (See section Get in touch)