The annual autumn cryptic quiz is now ready - raising money for Christian Aid.
Please feel free to share this with family/friends/neighbours so that we get it spread as wide as possible and raise more funds for this great cause. Printed copies should soon be available to collect if/when you are in church.
To make things as easy as possible, I will be the point of contact for forms to be returned to my address, or via email, and for donations which can be by cash or bank transfer. Payment (min £1) can be made by cash to Jenny, or bank transfer to: ‘Churches Together-Christian Aid’ 30-97-77 00598241 - please let me know if you pay via bank transfer. Please return your completed quiz form by 2nd November 2020 to me by post or email:
3, Wherry Close, March, PE15 9BX or to [email protected] Phone: 01354 650855. (Please enclose a SAE if you would like your paper entry returned).
The prizewinner will be drawn in mid-November.
Many thanks,
Rev'd Jenny