
If you have any concerns about possible abuse either to yourself or about a child or a vulnerable adult, by someone at our church please contact one of these people:

The Rector: Fr Adrian Ling 01553 771779 [email protected]

Our parish safeguarding officer: Christine James 01553 775535 [email protected]

You may also contact one of the safeguarding officers of the diocese:

Sue Brice on 07958 377079 or email [email protected]. Postal address: Bishop's House, Norwich NR3 1SB

Sian Griffiths on 07342 999386 or email: [email protected] Postal Address: Bishop's House, Norwich NR3 1SB.

Further information on safeguarding and reporting concerns can be found at

You can also call:

Norfolk safeguarding 0344 800 8020

If abuse is actually taking place call the Police 999.

If you are a child or young person who is anxious or afraid, you can call Childline free on 0800 1111

or go to Childline online at