We'd love to hear from you

St. Peter's Wentworth forms a joint benefice with St. Andrew's Witchford.  It is one of the four churches, including Holy Trinity Haddenham, St. Peter's Wilburton & St. Andrews Witchford, which border Grunty Fen and are known informally as the 'Grunty Fen Group'.

Our current interim Priest in Charge and Rural Dean is Revd. Canon Mark Howarth who is working with eleven parishes including 'Grunty Fen' as we proceed through Deanery reorganisation.

Contact Canon Mark Howarth 01353 699491 or 07932 160009

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Gillian Barnes

01353 777442