Related Churches
St Peter
Safeguarding policy
Grunty Fen Group of Churches
Safeguarding (children and vulnerable adults) policy
These Parishes St.Peter's Church, Wilburton; St Peter’s Church, Wentworth; Holy Trinity Haddenham; St Andrew’s Church, Witchford
are committed to safeguarding all those who attend the worship and other activities that we offer. We follow the House of Bishops’ Policies, ‘Promoting a Safer Church’ (2017) ‘Protecting All God’s Children’ (2010), and the Diocese of Ely Policy and Procedures (2011). We seek to create a culture where everyone is included, respected, listened to, and taken seriously. We accept the prime duty of care for children and vulnerable adults, and have appointed a Safeguarding Officer to ensure that what we do is informed by up-to-date policies and procedures from local and national authorities.
Our Safeguarding Officer is:
Helen Carter
And she can be contacted on:
01353 740214
St James' Church, Stretham
A community discovering God's transforming love:
Whoever you are
Wherever you are from
St Andrew's Church Witchford
Welcome to St. Andrew's Church Witchford. Everyone is invited to visit. Our churchyard is a place of beauty and tranquillity. We now have a number of benches making it an ideal place to visit and rest awhile. We have regular services, usually on a Sunday at 1000 a.m. Any changes to the programme are put on our Facebook page.
Holy Trinity Church Haddenham Cambridgeshire
Holy Trinity is the Parish church of Haddenham in Cambridgeshire. It provides spiritual care and support to the people of the Parish. Haddenham derives its name from 'Haeda's homestead'.
In 673 it was part of Queen Ethelreda's marriage endowment. A church has stood on the hill since then as Ovin, Etheldreda's minister and steward, had close connections with the village. The present building is late thirteenth and fourteenth century, but with major a restoration dating to 1876 by R. R. Rowe. The structure is rubble stone and limestone ashlar and dressed limestone with leaded roofs and end parapets with nineteenth century gable crosses.
Mission: Holy Trinity is the Parish church of Haddenham in Cambridgeshire. It provides spiritual care and support to the people of the Parish. The Church of England is called, as are all Churches, to carry forward the work that Jesus Christ began in all aspects of the life of people in society. Jesus said to those who followed him 'As the Father has sent me, so do I send you.' The Mission and Public Affairs division (MPA) oversees how that calling is carried out at the national level of the Church of England in evangelism, development of parish congregations, internationally through the work of the world mission agencies - and in rural and urban situations.
St Peter
St Peters Coveney
All are welcome at St Peters. Our regular services are on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. On the 2nd Sunday there is a 10am Service of the Word, and on the 4th Sunday we have Communion at 9:15 (Order 1 in Traditional Language) and a service of the Word at 10am. There is always tea, coffee, cakes and lots of friendly conversation after each service.
We also try to hold a range of other services and events, including some outdoor 'Forest Church' type services and other activities that speak to a range of backgrounds and Church-going experience.
Our Mission is to be God's disciples here in Coveney, showing the Light of Christ in our daily lives, our conversations, our support for each other and the wider community. We hope that people of all faiths and beliefs might come to find comfort in this centuries old building.
St Mary, Mepal
We should love to welcome you to our small, peaceful church, which is always open, whether to visit, to pray or even better to join one of our services. We have a Eucharist at 11.30 on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays in the month, and at 9.30 on a 4th Sunday, when there is also a less formal morning worship service at 11.30. On a 5th Sunday we join with our sister churches of St Andrew, Sutton and St Martin, Witcham for a service at one of our three churches (see eventually our list of services, where feast day and other special services are also listed).
St Andrew
You are welcome to any of our services or events. St Andrew's is open everyday during daylight hours. Please feel free to visit.
St Leonard's
Welcome to Downham: St Leonard.
St Martin
Location information
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