Parish Eucharist every Sunday - please check below for times

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary, Mepal
Mepal Ely, CB6 2AN, United Kingdom

Common worship order one on 1st and 3rd Sundays, 11.30am; BCP order 2 with hymns on 2nd Sunday, 11.30am, BCP order 2 at 9.30am and Morning worship with hymns at 11.30am on 4th Sunday. For 5th Sunday joint service please see calendar.

Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 05 November 2023 at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary, Mepal
Mepal Ely, CB6 2AN, United Kingdom

On Remembrance Sunday we regularly welcome members of the Friends of the 75 (New Zealand) Squadron. The Squadron was based on our local airfield during World War II and many who came from so far away to serve with the Allied Forces made friends with local people. Relatives and friends of those who gave their lives and those who lived into old age join us to give thanks for their sacrifice on our behalf, and to remember also those from our village who fought and died in both World Wars. We pray together also for peace in all the fractured parts of our world, and for wisdom and tolerance for those in positions of power. Brief Acts of Remembrance will take place, and wreaths laid at the New Zealand Memorial at the corner of High Street and Laurel Close at 11.45am, and at the Village Memorial on High Street at 11am. From there we shall proceed to St Mary's for our service of praise, prayer and thanksgiving, which will be led, by kind permission of our priest the Reve Canon Mark Haworth, by Mr Marshall Allen, a Friend of the Squadron from N Ireland. After the event all are welcome to coffee and conversation in the Village Hall.
