Sunday Service Pattern

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Helen's Folksworth
Morborne Road Folksworth Peterborough, PE7 3SS, United Kingdom

There are services across the benefice every Sunday.

The pattern of Services at St Helens Folksworth is
1st Sunday of the Month - All Age Service
2nd Sunday of the Month - Holy Communion
3rd Sunday of the Month - Morning Praise
4th Sunday of the Month - Morning Praise
5th Sunday of the Month - Group Service check News and Notices for details,

Frumenty Band Fund Raising Concert

for 1 hour
All Saints Morborne
All Saints Morborne, The Green Morborne Peterborough, PE7 3TG, United Kingdom

Frumenty is a 4-piece accoustic band playing traditional and modern folk music
Concert at Folksworth Village Hall
A Fun and lively free concert to brighten up January. A mainly light-hearted look at Christmas in words and music, both religious and secular
Donations welcome for Morborne roof fund