You will be able to join in with a service of Holy Communion that is being streamed live via the church Facebook page on Saturday evenings at 7.30pm. You will also be able to watch it (not live!) at any convenient time.Start a watch party with friends or other members of the congregation, and you will then be worshipping together.If you are not a Facebook follower, you can find our Facebook page by searching for St. Neots Parish Church on this link: safe and let us know if you need help. God bless you.
Following the example of other churches in our cities, the decision has been taken to close our church to the public. We have taken this decision with great regret, but want to avoid and prevent transmission of any viruses via door handles, books being handled and replaced and so on. We look forward to the day when the doors can freely open wide and we can meet together again in person for worship and fellowship.May God keep you all safe in these unprecedented times.
Services are now available from St. Neots Parish Church on Youtube. Follow this link you enjoy joining us.