Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities

Parking outside the church, on the street and in the carpark opposite the church

Accessible Toilet
Accessible car parking

The nearest one is on the wall outside Tesco's in the village

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs
Gluten-free refreshments

Our Building

The church is open each day from around 9am until 4pm

Stained Glass

We are working towards our Bronze Award and part of our church yard has been left for wildlife.
Our heating and lighting are all eco-friendly.

Warm Space

You will find guidebooks inside the chruch.

Music and Worship

Get in touch if your are interested in joining our bell ringing group - even a beginner as they would love to hear from you.

We have regular concerts - find out more on our website.
On the 1st and 3rd Sundays we have the organ in Worship

Our organist plays on the 1st and 2nd Sundays of the month and we have music videos/ a keyboard on the 2nd/4th Sundays.

At the moment it is on hold - but generally the Evening Prayer 6pm 1st Sunday of the month.

We have just started a Benefice Choir. Please get in touch if you would like to join.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We will be starting an Alpha Course in January starting with an Alpha Supper Tuesday 18th January 6.30 in church

In January 2022 - Alpha Supper 6.30 on Tuesday 18th January in church - get in touch if you are interested.

We have coffee every wednesday after a short service (9.30) and you are most welcome.

2nd Sunday of the month at 4-5.30.
Crafts, Story, singing, prayer and party tea in church for all ages.

We can sign post you to a local course called ' Christians against Poverty'

Mothers Union meets once a month on the first Wednesday of the month after the service at 10.30. Why not come along and see if you would like to join?

Little Acorns baby and toddler group meet during term times on a Tuesday in Church.
9.30 - 11.00 or straight after the school run. For play, chat, coffee and cake.
Ends with a story, prayer and singing.

See Little Acorns

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Every day from 9- 4pm

Other Features

Our local food bank is St Ives but get in touch if you need any help or a foodbank voucher.

Since Covid we have been using a projector and screen rather than service sheets

We have an area of the church yard that we are managing to enable the flouring of wildlife.