Coping with Loss - Bereavement Support

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Warboys Parish Church
Church Road Warboys Huntingdon, PE28 2RJ, United Kingdom

Coping with Loss – every 2nd Wednesday in Warboys Parish Church at 2.30pm
We invite all those coping with the distress of the loss of a loved one, either recently or in the past, to join us for a time of fellowship with tea, coffee and cake – there will also be an opportunity to light a candle in remembrance, and to take time to just be quiet or to share the company of others – whatever you need - this is your time. For further information please contact Maureen Dean Tel: 01487 822391

Bury Holy Cross

Bury Parish church provides a place to worship, reflect and pray. You can be assured of a warm welcome and generous hospitality when you join us for any of our services and events.

Get in touch

Rev'd Garry Dawson-Jones

Rectory, 1 Oaklands, Warboys

PE28 2XH
01487 824612
07976 382681

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What's on

Coping with Loss - Bereavement Support

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Warboys Parish Church
Church Road Warboys Huntingdon, PE28 2RJ, United Kingdom

Coping with Loss – every 2nd Wednesday in Warboys Parish Church at 2.30pm
We invite all those coping with the distress of the loss of a loved one, either recently or in the past, to join us for a time of fellowship with tea, coffee and cake – there will also be an opportunity to light a candle in remembrance, and to take time to just be quiet or to share the company of others – whatever you need - this is your time. For further information please contact Maureen Dean Tel: 01487 822391