Church Ministers1539 John White1545 John Pakey 1567 Reynolde Maylande 1571 Reynolde Middleton 1573 Thomas Stacye1583 John Brett1613 John Channler 1618 John Halstead1670 John Halstead Jr.1682 John Chaplin 1684 Joseph Southwood1690 R Willis 1691 Robert Baker 1722 John Pennington 1724 Thomas Ashton 1746 Samuel Cooper 1778 J de Launy1780 John Wadeson1783 J Blenkarne1803 John Walker1818 George Kendal1819 V K Childs1830 Henry W Maudsley1831 Henry Hoskin1835 F I Scott1838 W D Rangeley1839 H Layton1840 J W S Rugeley1872 A H Pritchard 1873 H J Mason1874 Charles D Goldie
(Vicar of St Ives)1886 L Pollock1892 G Sharland1896 Ernest Kilburn1902 T Fred Cooke1907 Walter J Andrews1910 T B Parley1912 T W Townsend1913 Samuel Healey1915 R Hodges1919 William Place1932 Henry Clothier1933 W Tyndale1933 H Lovell1938 Henry S Neville1946 A C Lawson1960 R O Jennings1965 E B Edgell1968 A J R Eyre1981 G Wood1991 C Backhouse
(Vicar of St Ives)1886 L Pollock1892 G Sharland1896 Ernest Kilburn1902 T Fred Cooke1907 Walter J Andrews1910 T B Parley1912 T W Townsend1913 Samuel Healey1915 R Hodges1919 William Place1932 Henry Clothier1933 W Tyndale1933 H Lovell1938 Henry S Neville1946 A C Lawson1960 R O Jennings1965 E B Edgell1968 A J R Eyre1981 G Wood1991 C Backhouse