Known Church Ministers of St John’s back to 1539

Church Ministers1539 John White1545 John Pakey 1567 Reynolde Maylande 1571 Reynolde Middleton 1573 Thomas Stacye1583 John Brett1613 John Channler 1618 John Halstead1670 John Halstead Jr.1682 John Chaplin 1684 Joseph Southwood1690 R Willis 1691 Robert Baker 1722 John Pennington 1724 Thomas Ashton 1746 Samuel Cooper 1778 J de Launy1780 John Wadeson1783 J Blenkarne1803 John Walker1818 George Kendal1819 V K Childs1830 Henry W Maudsley1831 Henry Hoskin1835 F I Scott1838 W D Rangeley1839 H Layton1840 J W S Rugeley1872 A H Pritchard 1873 H J Mason1874 Charles D Goldie
(Vicar of St Ives)1886 L Pollock1892 G Sharland1896 Ernest Kilburn1902 T Fred Cooke1907 Walter J Andrews1910 T B Parley1912 T W Townsend1913 Samuel Healey1915 R Hodges1919 William Place1932 Henry Clothier1933 W Tyndale1933 H Lovell1938 Henry S Neville1946 A C Lawson1960 R O Jennings1965 E B Edgell1968 A J R Eyre1981 G Wood1991 C Backhouse