Facilities and features


Toilets are available courtesy of the Lordship Close community rooms. A key is available from the Churchwardens or sides-persons (aka stewards) during a service.

Only street parking is available.

Modern Audio system with loop

Large print service books are available for services

Guide Dogs for all disabilities are welcome

Our Building

Open for individual prayer
Stained Glass

Listed Grade I. (Historic England List Entry Number: 1317573). A church built in Clunch and Fieldstone cobbles under tiled and leaded roofs although some parts have rebuilding in brick and Ketton stone. The principal building phase is C12 although little remains and late C13. The rather grand chancel with its piscina, aumbrey and its roof was rebuilt in the late C14. The south porch has had C19 'restorations' along with the north Aisle. The clerestory is C15 and the Nave roof is a reconstruction from 1600. There is a wall monument to Jeremias Radcliffe , 1623, of painted clunch (he was one of the team that translated the bible into the so called 'King James version). The font is C13 and remains of a stone reredos of a crucified Christ with Mary and John at the its foot was discovered in the C19 'restorations'.

Music and Worship

Five bells the earliest being early C17th, Known Bellfounders; Charles Newman, Miles Gray, and Toby Norris

Concerts / Live Music

Evensong each month.

Groups, Courses and Activities

These occur as part of Benefice wide programmes often in the Rectory in Orwell during Lent.

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Open each day during hours of daylight throughout the year. The churchyard is open at all reasonable times.

Other Features

Conservation Area