About Us

The Shingay Group of Parishes consists of 5 churches - St Michael and All Angels, Abington Pigotts; St Mary the Virgin, Guilden Morden; St Catherine’s, Litlington; St Peter & St Paul, Steeple Morden; and All Saints, Wendy with Shingay. We are in the Diocese of Ely of The Church of England. All of the Group have their own Parochial Church Councils , but we regularly operate as a group of Parishes, and good friendships have been built across the villages through our regular worship together in one of the five churches.  Full details of services are printed in Prospect magazine, which is delivered each month to homes in the parishes or via our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/stcatherineschurchlitlington)

The Group is currently 'in vacancy' followed the retirement of Canon Shamus Williams in August 2022.  Associate Priest, Revd. Ann Bol, currently leads the ministry team and is ably assisted by the Lay team and local retired clergy. 

St Catherine's hosts weekly morning prayer on Tuesdays at 10am following by coffee & chat - all welcome. We also host our popular Book Cafe on the first Saturday of each month - excellent second handbook books along with coffee, tea and homemade cakes, all at very reasonable prices!

Many people contribute to the life of the Church whether that be with bellringing, flower arranging or cleaning. We always welcome any additional help to keep our church an active part of the community.