We are holding our Harvest Festival on Sunday 6 October 2024 @ 4pm. Please come along and join us for a service, followed by refreshments.We will also be collecting items for John Huntingdon Food Bank in Sawston - please see the poster for items that are needed. As usual, there will be a collecting box in the church porch for donations.
You can complete the church survey by using the QR code (download the link opposite) or by picking up a paper copy of the survey from the Village Hall or the Church porchway. Please return completed copies to the box housed in the church porch.We will be collating replies at the end of September and publishing the results.
On Saturday 30 June, a few volunteers gathered in the churchyard to tidy up under the trees, graves and general pathways. After a couple of hours in the sunshine they were all treated to a bacon sandwich and coffee. Further work carried on during Monday and the churchyard is now a much tidier and nice place to visit. Well done everyone for joining in.