Next time you are passing the church porchway, take a look at the Tympanum above the door.The ten carvings are thought to represent the life of St John the Baptist from the announcement of his birth by the Angel Gabriel, to his beheading and ascension into heaven. Reading the arch from right to left the arches depict:1. The altar of incense2. Zacharius bowing before the angel.3. The angel.4. Herod's daughter dancing.5. Herod and his guests.6. St John the Baptist.7. The headman's block.8. The severed head.9. Single figure in the act of carrying - presumably the head.10. Head bent sideways but in the act of rising - showing the Resurrection.See insightsBoost a postLikeCommentSendShare
Have you go any good quality clothes, shoes, bedding or saucepans you no longer use? We are asking for donations of the above items, which will be sent to Ukraine at the end of January.Please leave items in a plastic bag in the church porchway before January 24th.
We held a coffee morning on Saturday 11 January in aid of a Ukrainian Ecumenical Centre. We are pleased to say we raised £65, which will go towards providing support for all those affected by war.Thank you to everyone who attended or gave a donation.