Facilities and features
including wheelchair accessible
At rear of church, next to church room
Large car park
Down the side of the church, close to the main front door which is wheelchair accessible. Access from the back car park includes steps.
at the Front door and flat entry at the side door. Back door has a step.
Large print bibles available.
Our Building
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
2nd Waterbeach Brownies meet in the church hall.
See https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/ for details.
Community Craft and Chatter group on Thursday mornings.
Beach Churches Together holiday club runs for a week each summer.
See https://www.bctholidayclub.com/ for details.
Monthly community lunch for over 60s on first Tuesday each month. Contact the vicar or office for details.
Twice-weekly toddler group called Footsteps on Monday and Friday mornings.
Monthly Dad's group called Saturdads.
Check https://www.facebook.com/StJohnsChurchWaterbeach for latest or contact the office for details.
Twice-weekly toddler group called Footsteps on Monday and Friday mornings.
Check https://www.facebook.com/StJohnsChurchWaterbeach for latest or contact the office for details.
Help for Visitors
Available at the back of the church.
Church usually open 8 am - 4pm
Other Features
Fairtrade coffee and tea served. Sale of Fairtrade goods once a month after services.
See our website https://stjohns-waterbeach.org.uk/ to get in touch.