Harvest Celebrations


On Sunday 9 October, Harvest Festival took place in the church. The flower arrangers, under Carol's direction, had produced imaginative and eye-catching displays. In the morning service, a generous donation of goods for the Foodbank were presented by members of the congregation of all ages. There were significant contributions from different generations of the congregation too as we gave thanks to God for the Harvest, including some lively singing from the Sunday School and prayers led by members of our new youth programme. In her sermon, Canon Jan Payne reminded the congregation of the need to take seriously the challenges of climate change if we are to be able to sustain the environment needed here and across the world to keep ourselves fed, keep animals alive and safe and, ultimately, people too. Traditional Harvest hymns were sung alongside more contemporary worship songs.

After the service, people moved into the Octagon Hall where a rich array of soups, bread and cakes were presented and much enjoyed by those who had been able to attend. Thanks are due to everyone who took part in the weekend in whatever context.