Refresh Cafe

Every Friday at for 2 hours
St Mary's, Burwell
High Street Burwell Cambridge, CB25 0HB, United Kingdom

A weekly event for babies/toddlers and their parents/carers. Safe play space, and refreshments, followed by a bible story, prayer and song. A light sandwich lunch is available afterwards.

Sunday worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Burwell
High Street Burwell Cambridge, CB25 0HB, United Kingdom

On the first Sunday of the month, we have Cafe Church, which starts with time for coffee and pastries, with time to chat and craft and children's activities. It is followed by a short service.
On other Sundays, our 10.00am service is Holy Communion and is followed by coffee.

Check our website or Facebook page for details

Mid-week Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Burwell
High Street Burwell Cambridge, CB25 0HB, United Kingdom

Our weekly service on Wednesdays is followed by coffee and a time to socialise. Please check our website as the service is sometimes held at St Mary's Burwell, and sometimes at St Etheldreda's Reach.