Baby and Toddler Group

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Cambourne Church
Jeavons Lane Cambourne CAMBRIDGE, CB23 6AF, United Kingdom

Booking required - please contact the church office and your enquiry will be passed on to the team.

A group for parents and carers and their babies/toddlers with toys, craft and snacks.

Term time only

Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at for 20 mins
Cambourne Church

Join our minister, Revd Bill Miller, on our Facebook page at 9.15 am for morning prayer based on material from the Northumbria Community.

Morning Worship

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Cambourne Church
Jeavons Lane Cambourne CAMBRIDGE, CB23 6AF, United Kingdom

The 9.30 service is more traditional in style with the music mainly consisting of hymns played on a keyboard.

Morning Worship

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Cambourne Church
Jeavons Lane Cambourne CAMBRIDGE, CB23 6AF, United Kingdom

The 11am service is more contemporary in style with the music being lead by a worship team. Most of the songs are more modern than those played at the 9.30 service.

* Activities for children (school years 1-6) and young people (school years 7-13) have resumed, they will begin the service with their families in the main hall and then separate into their groups part way through.
* Attending a service does not entail being on camera, the camera will be focussed on the front of the church with plenty of space behind and to the sides of it where you will not be on camera.

The Harbour Bereavement Café

Monthly. Every Second Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Cambourne Church
Jeavons Lane Cambourne CAMBRIDGE, CB23 6AF, United Kingdom

An informal, monthly drop-in for adults to meet together, share experiences and chat with those who are also walking the bereavement journey.

The Harbour is open to any adults who have experienced the death of someone close to them, whenever that may have been. It is free to attend and you are welcome to drop in at any time during the café times. There is no need to book in advance.

Volunteers from Cambourne Church have set up The Harbour Bereavement Café to offer people who have been bereaved a place to meet and connect with others who are also on the journey of bereavement. It is a safe and welcoming place to speak openly about experiences of bereavement and to find support and signposting within a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

Our volunteers, who are trained in bereavement support, will be on hand and confidentiality is respected.

It is open to all adults – of all faiths and of none.

Sunday One

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Cambourne Church
Jeavons Lane Cambourne CAMBRIDGE, CB23 6AF, United Kingdom

On the first Sunday of the month our two congregations join together to worship and celebrate communion. Young people will stay in for the whole service, and children will return from Young Church for communion.