These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Lent Taizé Service

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

The Taizé community is an ecumenical monastic order in Taizé, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France. The community searches for communion with God through community prayer, song, silence, personal reflection and sharing. The community has become one of the world’s most important sites of Christian pilgrimage, with a focus on youth. Over 100,000 young people from around the world make pilgrimages to Taizé each year. The music of Taizé is based on simple sentences from the psalms or from scripture often sung in canon, and in many languages. Services based on this model and using the music of Taizé are held in churches of all denominations around the world.

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Lent Candlelit Compline

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

The ancient monastic office of Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning ‘completion’. It offers a period of reflective quiet before rest at the end of the day but meditates also upon the end of life.
This candlelit service is sung by a gathered choir who lead the responses, psalms and sing two anthems.
The service lasts about 30 minutes.

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Eucharist followed by Lent Charity Lunch

Every Friday at for 50 mins
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

Come to a simple Eucharist on Friday lunchtimes during Lent.
The Mothers’ Union will offer Lent lunch at 1pm.
All donations to Away From it All (AFIA), the Mothers’ Union holiday scheme, which funds breaks for those who may be experiencing stress or difficulties in their family life.

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Palm Sunday - Sung Eucharist

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

We gather on Palace Green to hear the Gospel of the Palms, and to follow our Lord not only in procession but in heart and mind as he enters Jerusalem in royal humility to face his death.

Music includes Weelkes’ Hosanna to the Son of David and Paul Trepte’s setting of Solus ad victimam.

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Palm Sunday - Evensong

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

The Dean will preach his first address of Holy Week - The Scandal of the Cross. We hear Poulenc’s Vinea mea electa.

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Stations of the Cross

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

A traditional reflection on the events of Holy Week through the ‘Stations’ or scenes from the Passion of Jesus on his way to Crucifixion on Calvary.

Each station is marked by an image, reflection and music as we mark the searing events of this week.

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A Meditation in words and music

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

Including a complete performance of Alan Bullard’s Passiontide Cantata, Wondrous Cross

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Maundy Thursday - Chrism Eucharist

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

With the Blessing of Oils and Renewing of Ordination Vows.

President and Preacher: The Bishop of Huntingdon

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Maundy Thursday - Eucharist of the Last Supper

for 3 hours, 30 mins
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

With Washing of Feet, Stripping of the Altar and Watch of the Passion.

We commemorate Jesus’ institution of the Eucharist, the night before his death, where bread and wine are named as his body broken and his blood shed for humanity, to restore a people impoverished by sin and mortality into the endless life of God.

The president washes the feet of the people to remind us that, like our Lord, our calling is to serve others. The Dean will preach the sermon - The night before the Cross. At the end of the Eucharist we hear the Gospel narrative of Jesus’ arrest, and the altar is stripped; its richness and beauty vanishes, to be replaced by darkness, emptiness, and disarray.

We maintain a prayer vigil, a Watch in St Dunstan’s Chapel, remembering Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

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Good Friday - Preaching of the Cross & The Liturgy of the Day

for 3 hours
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

Preaching of the Cross
Addresses The Darkness of the Cross, The Healing of the Cross and The Victory of the Cross are given by The Dean, with hymns and readings.

The Liturgy of the Day
With the singing of the Passion Gospel by Victoria, Sanders’ setting of the Reproaches, and the Veneration of the Cross, in which all are invited to participate.

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Good Friday - Choral Evensong

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

A solemn act of worship including Byrd’s Ne irascaris, Domine.

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Holy Saturday - Evensong

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

with plainsong.

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Easter Vigil with Baptism and Confirmation

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

Out of the darkness and sorrow of human violence emerges the light and life of God’s presence: in the risen Jesus; in God’s enduring promise to be with his people; in the transforming sacrament of baptism.

This is the first celebration of Easter, with the lighting of the New Fire and the Paschal Candle and the bringing of that resurrection light into a darkened church, the admission of new Christians to baptism and communion, and the rising of light, joy, colour and life for the first time since the events of Good Friday.

President: The Bishop of Huntingdon
Preacher: The Dean

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Easter Day - Orchestral Eucharist

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

A joyful celebration of the risen life of God’s people upon Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. With music including Schubert’s Mass in G and Handel’s I know that my redeemer liveth.

President and Preacher: The Bishop of Huntingdon

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Easter Day - Festal Evensong and Procession

for 1 hour
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DH, United Kingdom

We hear Dyson’s Evening Canticles in D and Dupré’s Laudate Dominum.

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