The Peoples’ Passion with Riding Lights Theatre Company

for 45 mins
St Paul's Church
Ryhope Street North Ryhope, SR2 0HH, United Kingdom

We're delighted to welcome Riding Lights Theatre Company back to St Paul's to help us prepare for Holy Week and Easter. On Saturday 1st April at 3.00pm they'll be helping us stage 'The People's Passion' in Ryhope and we need you to help us! It's going to be a dramatic retelling of the last hours of Jesus' life with music, sound effects and audience participation. But it'll only work if you come along! It's completely free and will last for 45 minutes.

St Paul's Church

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The Rev'd David Chadwick

St Paul's Vicarage
Ryhope Street North

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What's on

The Peoples’ Passion with Riding Lights Theatre Company

for 45 mins
St Paul's Church
Ryhope Street North Ryhope, SR2 0HH, United Kingdom

We're delighted to welcome Riding Lights Theatre Company back to St Paul's to help us prepare for Holy Week and Easter. On Saturday 1st April at 3.00pm they'll be helping us stage 'The People's Passion' in Ryhope and we need you to help us! It's going to be a dramatic retelling of the last hours of Jesus' life with music, sound effects and audience participation. But it'll only work if you come along! It's completely free and will last for 45 minutes.