
St Mary, St Thomas and St Oswald is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for everyone, especially for children, young people and vulnerable adults.

You can find more information about safeguarding here:

Church of England Safeguarding Website

Diocese of Durham Safeguarding Website

The Church of England’s policies are available here:

‘Promoting a Safer Church’ Document

‘Parish Safeguarding Handbook’

Durham Diocese's Safeguarding Policy is available here:

Diocesan Safeguarding Policy

St Mary, St Thomas and St Oswald Safeguarding Policy is available here:

St Mary, St Thomas and St Oswald‘S Safeguarding Policy

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with either Rev. Katherine (Vicar), Rev. Susan (Parish Safeguarding Officer) or our Dioscean Safeguarding Officer Beth Miller, if you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding.

Rev. Katherine Bagnall (Priest in Charge): [email protected]

Rev. Susan Sweeting (Parish Safeguarding Officer): [email protected]

Beth Miller (Diocesan Safeguarding Officer): [email protected]